KRONGAARD über uns

We are the strategic partner for highly specialised external resources and offer direct access to innovative power and implementation support that is immediately available.

We provide freedom and opportunities for development and growth, helping companies and expert consultants to progress in equal measure. We focus on people and their abilities and make consistent use of the possibilities provided by digitalisation to make things simpler, safer and more efficient in an increasingly complex world.

Our vision

We drive progress by delivering the ecosystem of top-tier experts.


We bring the right experts into the right projects at the perfect time. We are valued consultants to first-class companies and thus also attractive business partners for freelance experts on a professional equal footing. 

We contribute to economic growth and progress by making it possible to exploit game-changing potential. In this way, we offer the perfect ecosystem for companies and expert consultants – and will continue to do so.

Our mission

By 2030, we will build the #1 ecosystem for top-tier experts in germany. Human-driven and tech-enabled.

We believe that access to highly specialised knowledge is the decisive success factor in a time characterised by disruptive dynamics and digital transformation.

We believe that the only way to release the forces needed to shape the future in a sustainable manner is by bringing people together.

We know from experience that there are people for every challenge who can provide tailor-made answers with their specific set of skills.


Our values

  • KRONGAARD Authentizität und Begeisterung

    Authenticity and enthusiasm

    The KRONGAARD experience

    We are not only professional service providers, but also individual personalities with their own character and a clear attitude – approachable and authentic. But despite all our individuality, we also know that it is only with our common vision, for which we also share great enthusiasm, that we make the difference.

  • KRONGAARD Wertschätzung und Vertrauen

    Appreciation and trust

    The basis of our actions

    Anyone we deal with senses our confidence. We focus wholeheartedly on people, communicate honestly, fairly and personally, and build long-term, trusting relationships that help everyone progress.

  • KRONGAARD Fokus und Ambition

    Focus and ambition

    The aspiration to be successful

    We admit it: we want to be the best. However, we are not stubborn in that determination – we simply want to ensure that requirements and skills are brought together in the best possible way. And that complex challenges are simply easier for companies to overcome. Our preferred method: the highest quality and genuine specialists.

KRONGAARD Management


Andreas Brück and Philip Rüping have been leading the KRONGAARD team since 2022, and together we look forward to an engaging and constructive exchange with you.

At KRONGAARD, we are proud of every single employee. And that fact that our expertise, entrepreneurial thinking and great people make us a valuable, innovative and reliable ally at all times for our clients and partners.

Figures, data, facts


Year of the foundation of KRONGAARD


Employees at six locations: Hamburg, Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Stuttgart and Munich


Customers from DAX, MDAX and upper mid-sized companies


of the best highly qualified experts in the portfolio


small specialized consulting firms (boutique consulting)


successfully staffed project


Partner for companies

You not only want the perfect candidates from over 20,000 excellent independent specialists, but also industry knowledge, the highest compliance standards, and superior consulting? That is exactly what KRONGAARD is.

Partner for experts

You are not only looking for suitable projects from renowned companies, but also for all-round service, more planning security and personal support? Then you have come to the right place.

The Content Hub – Up to date. Relevant. Pioneering.

Krongaard TÜV Rheinland ISO Zertifikat
3 Min.

KRONGAARD erhält als erstes deutsches Unternehmen für ihr Compliance Management System das TÜV-Rheinland-Zertifikat nach dem neuen ISO-Standard 37301

Nach einer eingehenden Auditierung durch die Experten des TÜV Rheinland wurde der KRONGAARD GmbH am 10.01.2025 die erfolgreiche Zertifizierung ihres Compliance Management Systems entsprechend des neu geschaffenen Standards ISO 37301 bescheinigt – eine Premiere in Deutschland und ein bedeutender Schritt für KRONGAARD.

Denn unser Compliance Management System ist mehr als nur ein Regelwerk. Es reflektiert unseren seit vielen Jahren gelebten hohen Anspruch an höchste Standards und unterstreicht unsere Überzeugung, dass Compliance nicht nur Selbstschutz, sondern auch ein praktisch greifbarer Mehrwert für unsere Kunden ist. Das wird vor allem deutlich bei der Gewährleistung der Rechtssicherheit der Projektleistungen der von uns eingesetzten selbständig tätigen Experten (Stichworte Scheinselbständigkeit und verdeckte Arbeitnehmerüberlassung).

Zackes Brustik
8 Min.

Twin Transformation: Wie die deutsche Wirtschaft noch zu retten ist

Digitalisierung? Fast ein Geschwätz von gestern. Mittlerweile ist die sogenannte Twin Transformation das Thema der Stunde. Zackes Brustik, Experte für nachhaltige Wirtschaftstransformation, erklärt, warum die deutsche Wirtschaft so lange zaudert – und was Hoffnung macht.

8 Min.

Digitalisierung: Wie wird Deutschland »weniger phlegmatisch«?

Seit Jahren schleppt sich Deutschland im Bereich der Digitalisierung nur mühsam voran. Zwar existieren zahlreiche Konzepte, nachhaltig umgesetzt werden die wenigsten davon. Das ist bedrohlich für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Dr. Julia Freudenberg, Geschäftsführerin der Hamburger Hacker School, weiß, wie das Jahrhundertprojekt trotzdem gelingen kann.